The 2020-2021 Legislative Session came to a conclusion yesterday and I want to take a minute to update you on what transpired during the Lame Duck session. As you may recall, right after the November elections we brought to your attention that we expected a host of bad bills to come up, including the following:
Allows rent control in new construction
A6085 (Wimberly) & S4183 (Cryan) –
Requires fire sprinklers in all new townhomes
A2600 (DeAngelo) & S1518 (Greenstein) –
Enhances multifamily fire safety standards including; (1) NFPA 13 sprinklers, (2) non-combustible materials, (3) a 24-7 fire watch warden, and (4) a project labor agreement, among other requirements
A250 (DeAngelo) & S2051 (Weinberg) –
Requires prevailing wage on all projects receiving a PILOT
A1571 (Houghtaling) & S1956 (Sweeney) –
Requires portion of PILOT to be remitted to the school district and other taxing districts
S984 (Singleton) & A501 (Webber) –
Prohibits use PILOT and other redevelopment incentives on farmland or vacant land
S4067 (Addiego) & A5793 (Space) –
Each of these proposals was considered in at least one house during Lame Duck, but it brings me great pleasure to report that NONE of these dangerous proposals made it to the Governor’s desk. I would like to thank everyone who participated in reaching out to legislators and other policymakers as it amplified the messages NJBA communicated in our meetings and discussions.
A new legislative session begins today where all of these issues can be brought back up for consideration but we have escaped Lame Duck where the most damage often occurs. We look forward to continuing to work with you and on your behalf to play defense against policies that weaken NJ’s housing ecosystem and to fight for pro-housing initiatives in this new legislative session.
If you have questions on any of these matters, feel free to reach out to CEO - Jeff Kolakowski or Director of Legislative Affairs Kyle Holder.